Assistant Professor Siobhan Rockcastle has been invited to present Baker Lighting Lab research on Virtual Reality and lighting perception using head-mounted and web-based devices. This workshop, hosted jointly by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) will take place online February 1-4, 2021 and is free and open to the public. Rockcastle will present Baker Lighting Lab research on February 3rd, 2021 in the session on ‘Incorporating New Tools to Advance Lighting Products and Practice in 2021’ from 3pm-4:30pm EST. For more info on the schedule, check here.
Lecture on “Factors in Daylight Analysis” at the Pacific Energy Center on October 22nd
Sign-up for a 2.5 hour webinar on “Factors in Daylight Analysis” with Siobhan Rockcastle and Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg, hosted by the Pacific Energy Center, on October. More information about the webinar can be found here:
Kyu-Ho Ahn and Siobhan Rockcastle receive the Frances Bronet Innovation Award
Professors Ahn and Rockcastle have been selected to receive a Faculty Research Award from the UO College of Design in support of their project, titled “Motivation/Function, Comfort, Arousal and Behavioral Response in Built Environment via VR Setting.” This work will combine subjective and physiological measures to study responses to lighting and space use in a virtual reality environment. Baker Lab Graduate Assistant McKenzie Vanko will support Ahn and Rockcastle in the design and collection of experimental data planned for the 2020-2021 year.
Best Paper Award at SimAUD 2020
On May 27th, Megan Danell (Baker Lighting Lab), Maria Amundadottir (OCULIGHT analytics), and Siobhan Rockcastle (Baker Lighting Lab) were awarded the Best Paper Award at SimAUD 2020. Their paper, titled ‘Evaluating Temporal and Spatial Light Exposure Profiles for Typical Building Occupants,’ was selected from among 72 peer-reviewed and accepted papers for it’s quality, originality, and significance. To read our paper, you may access it online here. SimAUD is an international Symposium on Simulation in Architecture and Urban Design and just celebrated its 11th consecutive year through on online venue (original planned for Vienna, but made virtual in response to COVID-19).
Check out our virtual presentation for SimAUD 2020
Due to the unique global circumstances surrounding 2020, SimAUD has gone entirely online this year. Check out the virtual recording of our paper titled, “Evaluating Temporal and Spatial Light Exposure Profiles for Typical Building Occupants.” This work was co-authored by Megan Danell, Maria Amundadottir, and Siobhan Rockcastle and represents an interdisciplinary, simulation-based approach to assessing circadian lighting through building occupant profiles.
Collaborative Research on Occupant-Centric Circadian Health Presented at Build Health 2020
Recent simulation-based research conducted by Siobhan Rockcastle (Baker), Megan Danell (Baker), Maria Amundadottir (OCULIGHT analytics), Robert Lochner (SRG) and Lisa Petterson (SRG) was just presented at the Institute for Health in the Built Environment’s Annual Industry Consortium Symposium, Build Health 2020. This research uses simulation to compute occupant-specific light exposure profiles for 38 occupants in a side-lit office space, accommodating their spatial and temporal dynamics as they move throughout the office. A version of this work will be presented at the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in August.
Paper accepted to the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
A paper co-authored by Siobhan Rockcastle (Baker), Megan Danell (Baker), Lisa Petterson (SRG Partnership), and Maria Ámundadóttir (OCULIGHT analytics) has been accepted for oral presentation at the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency on Buildings. This paper, titled ‘The Impact of Behavior on Healthy Circadian Light Exposure Under Daylight and Electric Lighting Scenarios,’ presents a simulation-based method to compare the healthy light exposure of dynamic spatial and temporal occupant profiles using surveyed data.
Baker researchers go Virtual with a grant from PNNL
Researchers from the Baker Lighting Lab will compare the perceptual accuracy of LED lighting environments using a range of industry leading VR HMDs. In a time of physical separation from the world around us, our team of student and faculty researchers will explore differences in visual perception between the screens that define our virtual frontier. This work is supported by the generous support of a grant from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
paper co-authored by Danell and Rockcastle accepted to SimAUD 2020
A collaborative paper, ‘Evaluating temporal and spatial light exposure profiles for typical building occupants,’ co-authored by Megan Danell and Siobhan Rockcastle from Baker Lighting Lab and Maria Amundadottir from Oculight analytics was just accepted to SimAUD 2020 in Austria. Thanks to the support of Lisa Petterson at SRG partnership in Portland, our team was able to simulate occupant profiles in a digital model of SRG’s office space and compare their circadian health in a new temporally and spatially-resolved simulation workflow.
Megan Danell (M.Arch ’20) will present this paper to an international audience in May!
Zach Suchara, Director of Luma Lighting to Lecture in Eugene on November 7th
Zach Suchara will give a guest lecture in IARC 492/592 Electric Lighting on November 7th at 6:oopm in LA206. This lecture is open to the public and anyone interested is welcome to join!
Zach’s Bio: Zach joined Luma in 2006 and oversees the management, development, and growth of the firm. He has extensive experience with projects throughout the Pacific Northwest and California, and beyond—Luma’s experience currently extends across the U.S. and into Asia and central Europe. As a registered architect in the state of Oregon with over 20 years of experience in architecture and lighting design, Zach strives to continually reinforce humanistic integration with the natural and built environment. For him, light is more than a medium to apply to architecture. It is a foundational component for shaping human experience. Zach’s passion for holistic, sustainable, and humanistic design integration is evidenced by his diverse, award-winning project work, national and international speaking engagements, and participation in multiple industry organizations such as the AIA, IES and AFO.