Dr. Rockcastle and Dr. Van Den Wymelenberg to Present ‘Current Trends in Daylighting’ at PG&E on November 14th

Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg and Siobhan Rockcastle from the University of Oregon’s Institute for Health in the Built Environment and Baker Lighting Laboratory will discuss why we should still consider controlled daylight an essential part of high performance and occupant supportive building design. The instructors will address daylight’s role in improving health, well-being, productivity, and energy-efficiency, even as LEDs and on-site photovoltaic electric generation converge to seemingly erode the business case for daylighting.

Find more info about this event here.

University of Oregon Publishes White Paper on Light, Views, and the Workplace Experience

The white paper, “The Impact of Lighting and Views in the Workplace of the Future,” explores how light and the visual environment impact performance, comfort, and satisfaction of the occupant

Eugene, OR (August 12, 2019) – Today, the University of Oregon published a new white paper, “The Impact of Lighting and Views in the Workplace of the Future.” The paper concludes that daylit spaces with controlled lighting and views can improve occupant well-being, workplace productivity, and satisfaction by positively influencing various physiological and psychological processes. Lighting and views also impact property value and employee recruitment and retention.


To learn more about the emerging evidence and our interpretation, read our whitepaper here.

“The Impact of Lighting and Views in the Workplace of the Future” white paper, which was sponsored by Lutron Electronics, was presented at the Illuminating Engineering Society Annual Conference in Louisville, August 2019.


Earn $25 as a participant in our study on lighting perception!

The University of Oregon Baker Lighting Lab is currently seeking subjects for a research study on lighting perception which compares physical spaces to immersive photographs displayed on various digital devices, including VR. The total time commitment will be about 30 minutes and will require the participant to sign up for and attend a single session. Compensation of $25 will be distributed at the time of the participant session. Participation is entirely voluntary.

Location:  University of Oregon, Eugene campus

Eligibility: Age 18+, English Fluency Required

Disqualifying Conditions: Visual impairment (partial or full blindness) or Pre-existing binocular vision abnormalities

Potentially Disqualifying Conditions: Psychiatric Disorders, Heart Conditions, or Other Serious Medical Conditions

Potential Risks: The physiological and psychological risks associated with this experiment are determined as minimal. All experimental conditions that participants would be exposed to could be experienced in a classroom setting under commercially available lighting products or on a commercially available display device. Participants might feel slight visual discomfort according to lighting preferences, glare levels, and luminance levels presented by the displays. While very rare, some people may experience seizures while wearing a Virtual Reality Headset.  If you are assigned to the VR group and have any of the potentially disqualifying conditions, you may be dismissed from the experiment or reassigned to a different group.

Confidentiality: Your identity will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for scheduling and informed consent purposes. Your identity will not be stored in the dataset and will not be revealed in any published information produced by the experiment.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please fill your name out in the following Doodle link.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: srockcas@uoregon.edu

This work is funded by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Baker Lighting Lab secures grant from PNNL to study Virtual Lighting Perception

Baker Lighting Lab, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Siobhan Rockcastle, has secured a grant from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to study the perceptual accuracy of solid state lighting in an array of virtual displays, including HDR and VR screens.  This research will include a pilot study on the U of O campus this summer.  Please contact us if you’re interested in learning more about this project.

Paper on occupant-centric daylight analytics accepted to Building Simulation 2019 in Rome

A peer-reviewed paper, titled “The case for occupant-centric daylight analytics: a comparison of horizontal illumination and immersive view” had been accepted to the proceedings for Building Simulation 2019 in Rome.  Siobhan Rockcastle co-authored this paper with Marilyne Andersen from the EPFL in Switzerland and Maria Amundadottir from OCULIGHT analytics in Iceland.

Siobhan Rockcastle provides the opening address at SimAUD 2019

As General Chair of SimAUD 2019, Dr. Siobhan Rockcastle worked with Dr. Tarek Rakha, Program Chair to organize the 10th anniversary of SimAUD in Atlanta, Georgia.  Working with our Scientific Chairs, Dr. Tea Zakula, Dr. Dimitris Papanikolaou, and Dr. Carlos Davila, the organizing team welcomed over 40 authors from 18 countries who presented original peer-reviewed research papers.  Kicking off the symposium with a welcome address, Siobhan recapped 10-years of SimAUD and the growing impacts of this community on simulation in architecture and urban design.  To read the proceedings, please visit the SimAUD site and download here.

Siobhan Rockcastle & Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg present at Oregon Health & Science University

Dr. Siobhan Rockcastle and Dr. Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg were invited to Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) on Wednesday, Dec 5th to present IHBE’s research on ‘Designing Health in the Built Environment.’  Attended by medical researchers in sleep medicine and occupational health, UO faculty are working to set-up ongoing collaborations with scientists doing clinical and preventative research on the effects of indoor environments on human health.