Sofia Gonzales and Siobhan Rockcastle receive an AIA COTE Top Ten Student award

Sofia Gonzales’s project, titled ‘WAVE: Widely Accessible Vocation Education Center’ was selected as one of ten winner for this year’s AIA COTE Top Student competition. This project emerged in response to Siobhan Rockcastle’s terminal design studio, called ‘Future Career Center.’ This studio asked students to design a 50,000 SF center for career technical education (CTE) at David Douglas High School (DDHS) in east Portland. In addition to the site and program brief, the students were asked to use the COTE framework for excellence as a basis for evaluating the environmental and social standards of their project. The studio was supported by Octavio Gutierrez and BRIC Architecture, who are currently designing a center on the DDHS campus in response to a 2022 bond measure. Kelly Kottlowski, a former UO grad (M.Arch ’23), also supported the studio as a teaching assistant. Learn more about the winning proposal here: